Wise Woman Ayurveda Introduction

Welcome and thank you. I am passionate about sharing these life changing rituals with you, and pray they inspire you and serve you with what you need ✨

In this short chat I share with you a short story about how I changed my approach to sharing Āyurveda…I am consciously working to shift from the Heroic approach to medicine (which even in a holistic model can become too easy to slip into!) into a ‘wise woman’ model. I’d we want holistic health and preventive healthcare to work, we must acknowledge that no one knows the truth and uniqueness of the body like the person living with it!

I aspire to walk the healing path hand in hand with my students and clients, cocreating together, and being the wise woman to give pointers and bounce ideas off of. To be a mirror and a well for knowledge and nourishment when needed.

Leave comments within the course, or reach out my email for support at adena at Adenaroseayurveda dot com

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