Ayurveda and Herbology Immersion

Ayurveda and Herbal Energetics for the Female Physiology

Maiden - Mother - Crone

September 5 - November 4, 2023

Taste herbs, make medicines, drink deeply.


This live online training is focused on enhancing confidence, capability and effective work with herbs and the nature of dravyaguna for Ayurveda Health Counselors and Practitioners specializing in Women's Health

Expand your herbal repertoire

Taste and try herbs at home (included with the course!)

Feel more confident in suggesting herbs to your clients

Take yourself to the next level in your practice

Go deeper into Ayurveda energetics of western and 'ayurvedic' herbs

Gain clinical experience through working with real clients in class

Learn how to use and why to choose special herbal preparations from Ayurveda

Make medicinal ghee

Herbalism for Women
Ayurveda Herbalism for Women

Go deeper into the language of Ayurveda and the energetics of herbs. Get to know the allies that I work with regularly and know intimately in my practice. Learn about how guna (quality) informs karma (action) how any substance become medicine, and learn how, why and when to utilize different and specialized medicinal preparations from Ayurveda like, kwath/decoctions, aristhams and medicated ghee/ghritam.

We will learn the Ayurveda energetics of dhatus/tissues that are of heightened importance in female physiology: rasa (lymph) rakta (blood) and artava (ovum.)

Clinical experiences

We will experience two case studies/live clients with an interest in female reproductive health and apply what we are learning in class to create their chikitsa/therapy.

Medicine Making

Learn about local herbalism within the framework of Ayurveda preparations (hot/cold infusion or phanta/hima) and how to choose them based on the qualities needed.

We will make medicinal ghee together and talk about when, why and how to work with this as medicine.

Taste New Herbs and Formulas

Gain sensory experience and taste new herbs and traditional formulations from Ayurveda, like asava, arisham, avaleham and more.

Study Ayurveda energetics in relation to all substances, the science of dravya guna vijnana.

Learn about the branch of Ayurveda herbs called Vajikarana, and the importance of anuloman.


Tasting amounts will be shipped to you as the course begins!




Shatavari gulam






Red Raspberry leaf

Milky Oats

Vitex tea/tincture

Rose petals




Panchakola churna


Class 1: September 5

Guru informs karma; learning the Hemadri sutra

Dravyaguna: Herbal energetics and how to know how substance becomes medicine (or not) in Ayurveda (guna, rasa, virya, vipaka, prabhav)

Class 2 : September 9

Considerations for female physiology, rasa and rakta, artava dhatu. How and why to make Nourishing Herbal Infusions

Learning about the action of anuloman and Vajikarana branch of ayurveda.

Tasting: Red raspberry infusion, milky oats infusion

Class 3 : September 19

Medicinal preparations in Ayurveda, and how to choose an anupan

Important herbal actions: dipana, pachana, rasayana

Tasting: Brahmarasayana, shatavarigulam

Class 4 : September 23

Ayurveda and the Menstrual cycle part 1

Herbal profiles and tastings:

Maiden/Kapha: Aloe/kumari kumari asava, vitex, shunthi/ginger

Class 5 : October 3

Ayurveda and the Menstrual cycle part 2

Herbal profiles and tastings:

Mother/Pitta: Rose, ashokaristham/ashoka, musta, lodra, shatavari, motherwort, red raspberry "rakta"

Class 6 : October 7

Client case intake and discussion

Class 7 : October 17

Client case intake and discussion

Class 8 : October 24

Continue client discussions


Yoni annointing oils, abhyanga, shatavari ghee, mugwort, ashwagandha, amla, "majja"

Class 9 : October 31

Preparing for medicinal ghee making - making decoctions, making ghee, panchakola and shatavari

Time for class integration and questions, open mentorship space

Class 10 : November 4

Making medicinal ghee / Making shatavari ghee together

Closing <3

Adena Rose Bright

Welcome ~ I am thrilled to walk with you and talk herbs, bodies, and Ayurveda. We have so much to learn from each other.

This program is born out of intensives I have taught in the past, mentorship circles I have held, and requests from students of Ayurveda to dive deeper into their herbal studies.

Self healing tools and herbs are the things I know the most about, learned and utilized in my own body and the cycles I have gone through thus far (menstruation, fertility, pregnancy, birth, postpartum and beyond) and the things I utilize with my clients the most effectively.

There is always so much more to learn. This is not a comprehensive class. It is what I know the best, and my hopes are that it serves to deepen your practice of Ayurveda and relationship with herbs and medicines and support you to feel more confident in sharing them.

It is not a total beginner's program, and it is also not the most advance you might find. But I feel that it is a wonderful middle place to find ourselves, coming strongly into the intermediate level of study and practice of Ayurveda, herbalism and self-empowered healing.

“Adena is meant for women’s health, education and support. She is articulate, holds a lot of information, and is confident when she speaks on food, herbs and women’s health. She holds patience and speaks with confidence when unfolding her teachings for everybody.”


September 5 - November 4, 2023

10 Classes

We will meet on Tuesdays* (see 1 exception) at 7 pm-8:30pm ET or Saturdays at 9am-11am ET
Dates: September 5, September 9, September 19, September 23, October 3, October 7, October 17, October 24, *Thursday, November 2, November 4

Special medicine making kitchen classes:

Herbal infusions class : Saturday September 9

Medicinal ghee making class Saturday November 4

Client Case Intake Calls:

October 7

October 17

All calls recorded

About 20 hours total

All the class info will be recorded and available through an online classroom.

Participation in over 75% of live Zoom meetings is ideal.

Most herbs needed for the class will be shipped to you and are included in the course price.

Other ingredients for medicine making may need to be purchased (butter for ghee, base oils, etc) and will be listed for students.

There may be some recommended books in our resource list, but nothing is required.

Full cost of this training is $895 in full ($996 Payment plan, tax not included)

Payment plans available - click register to see the details.

QUESTIONS? Email [email protected]

Is this immersion right for you?

This training pulls from my studies and practice in Ayurveda, Maya Abdominal Therapy, Yoga and Western Herbalism...and not in the least from my personal experience with my own healing and my clients

This is not 'classical Ayurveda' per se, but practical Ayurveda within a Western cultural context with respect and always turning back to the texts and teachers I revere most when needed

My experience and my training is mainly in serving those who live in female bodies and identify as women, but this is not a 'requirement.' Ayurveda principles can be applied to all of nature. If you have questions or concerns about this, there is a space to bring it up on the application. The immersion is not designed to be comprehensive.

Thank you !